Thursday, August 21, 2014

To raila amolo odinga from religious church leaders

We, religious church leaders drawn from diverse denominations and locations in the United States of America, constituting a large and equally broad Kenyan diaspora, wish to make the following petition to you, Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga:-
Flabbergasted at the political instigation to violence and lawlessness in mass demonstrations threatened by CORD Alliance leaders in Kenya;
  1. Aware that this seemingly civil action comes at a time that Kenyans are reeling from the relentless terrorist attacks from the Somali Alshabaab, already accounting for many deaths, injuries and destruction of property;
  2. Aware that this seemingly civil action comes at a time that Kenyans are reeling from the relentless terrorist attacks from the Somali Alshabaab, already accounting for many deaths, injuries and destruction of property;
  3. Keenly cognizant of the fact that the Kenya Defence Forces, operating under UNISOM in Somalia, was a justified intervention to pursue Alshabaab terrorists who had made forays into Kenya and caused instability;
  4. Recognizing the complex and fluid crosscurrents in the war against terrorism globally;
  5. Being reminded of the repeated incidents of needless shedding bloodshed and destruction of property in Kenya after every general election;
  6. Knowing fully well how volatile and sensitive any divisive politics has destroyed the political fabric in Kenya;
  7. Openly admitting that our political establishment on both sides of the divide have served to perpetuate elements of public discontent and tribal division;
  8. Desirous of a long term solution to the endless attempts to spur politically instigated ethnic genocide in Kenya;
  9. And having enjoyed a seemingly warm fellowship with you during your three month furlough in the United States of America;
  10. Fully understanding that the sparking of civil war in Kenya would be the beginning of the worst and most horiffic ethnic bloodletting to affect all tribes;
….. We as men of God, with a keen desire to see the kingdom of God on earth bringing about peace, love and brotherly relations make the following petition to you:
a) We support your recent contention in an interview that “There are (terrorist) attacks along the border, by those targeting religious institutions like churches and mosques and even tourist centers. Tourists have been abducted in Kenya, and one was killed. We have to neutralize Al-Shabaab, the terrorist group that began in Somalia. It’s transformed itself into a militia, conducting raids into certain installations, like the Westgate mall attack in Nairobi. And there have been attacks in the mosques and a recent attack on a church in Mombasa.”
b) We appreciate your keen understanding of the insecurity in Kenya, as a former Prime Minister, and understand fully well that the country is under siege by the Alshabaab terrorists;
c) We know you are familiar with the near genocide of 2007/2008 general elections after you classified the poll results as flawed and called for mass action;
d) The unending calls by your fellow leaders in CORD for mass action, expected to commence after your return to Kenya are a cause of great concern and Kenyans of all walks must be wondering at whether you are capable of sacrificing the stability of the country at the altar of political expedience;
e) You are on record as having said that Kenya is greater than one individual and many peaceful Kenyan observers now question the genuineness of this statement, if you still feel Kenya should go the way of destructive mass action to overcome your political foes;
f) We emphasize the need for Kenya to remain united, especially at the vulnerable point at which it is being vilified at many points by the faceless and heartless Alshabaab terrorists;
g) We question, therefore, the rationale behind the planned pomp and pageantry on your return, and especially the pronouncements that have been openly made about the go-ahead you are expected to give for an Arab Spring in Kenya.
h) The Kenyan political landscape is far different from the Arab sheikhdoms that have been crying for democratic reforms and the post-Egyptian spring should be an ample lesson for those inciting the innocent public to the streets.
i) We make this petition to plead to your better sense of political judgment and purposely choose the way of peace and national reconciliation over the political differences you and your alliance partners may have with the ruling establishment in Kenya;
j) We realize that sponsors of the Arab Spring in many of the affected countries have looked askance as nations have disintegrated and many innocent citizens have risen to maim, kill and destroy each other, all in the name of entrenching democracy.
k) We insist that democracy is about win-win situations that entails embracing co-existence even in the face of strong divergent political opinions.
l) We aver that Kenyans are justified to continue pushing for greater political pluralism, transparency and accountability, in an orderly manner that does not destroy the achievements so far made’
m) We acknowledge the many great strides made in the form process that now exhibits a different approach to governance in Kenya as it used to be in the single party dictatorship.
n) We call on you to show leadership by example, by guiding the foot soldiers in your party, ODM and alliances in the CORD, to drop the very unpalatable threats against their motherland and seek peace, especially in view of the fragile nature of the internal security threatened by outside terrorist elements.
o) We unapologetically consider it something akin to sedition for anybody to be so unpatriotic as to call for mass action and the infamous destruction of life and property we are familiar with on Kenyan streets;
p) We leave it to your political discretion, in view of these strong sentiments against creating more instability in Kenya, as we speak for the millions in the Diaspora and indeed, voice similar sentiments by those who have their country at heart in Kenya.
q) Finally we echo your words in a recent interview in which you said, “Terrorist crime is something that is external and that requires international coordination to deal with. But then there are crimes that are related to poverty in the country. These kinds of crimes can only be dealt with by improving the economic conditions of the people. And the long-term solution is to first open up the country, because the public sector cannot provide employment to all the country’s unemployed people. You’ll see that if we open up the country, you’re investing in infrastructure development that provides roads, electricity, and water to the rural areas. That itself triggers self-economic activities in some of those remote villages, which helps to create employment.”
r) These sober and mature words bespeak a moment of true patriotism and a spirit of tolerance. We pray that you will underscore this political direction for posterity in Kenya. Mass action will not improve on the already tattered tourism industry, reverse the fatalities of heal the injuries caused by the ongoing horror of senseless bombings of the innocent.
s) We pray that you have seen and experienced firsthand the enabling environment, devoid of ethnic tension, bloodletting and destructive mass action, that informs the socio-economic and political landscape in the United States of America, something that you may want to emulate and take back home for us to advance as a third world.

  • The President - Venerable Peter Gacathi
  • Vice President - Rev John Wachira
  • Secretary - Venerable Samuel Kimohu
  • Treasurer-David Ndungu
  • Members-Rev,Charles Kahiko of Calvary Evangelical Church in Dracut City MA
  • Member - Rev Stanley Kariuki of CCF Church in Lowell
  • Rev. Joseph Njuguna Ngotho of St.Stephen Anglican Church in Lynn City MA
  • Rev. James Githitu of St.Paul Dorchester Church
  • Rev. Father George Gitau
  • Rev. Dr.Karimi Mumbui of PCEA Neema Church in Lowell MA
  • Rev. Stanley Mungai
  • Rev. Jeremiah Githere of Grace International Church in Lowell MA
  • Rev. Joseph Waiyaki of CCF Lowell MA
  • Rev. Mrs Judy Wachaga of Shield Of Faith Ministries Lowell MA
  • Bishop David Karaya of CCF Church in Lowell MA
  • Rev. Dorcus Karanja
  • Rev. Joseck Kimani of Grace International Church
Original Author: 

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