Thursday, August 21, 2014


I wish to take this opportunity to say hi again after a long period. Am sure you will appreciate the fact that we did well in the last general elections although we did not meet the target required to form the democratic Government of the people of Kenya due to one reason or the other.   However, it makes me happy for the way we have conducted ourselves from the time of elections to date. It also makes me happy to see our members participating in the governance of the country with the ruling party. I wish to point out some few things which I think if they are not given attention now, we are likely not to move forward as an opposition party and a government in waiting.  These are as follows; 1. The opposition is not strong in parliament at the moment, hence it requires re-engineering so that they can properly participate in the making of laws that go in line with our values of liberal democracy and development. They need to effectively engage their fellow Jubilee members in order to make parliament an opposition vibrant as was the days of Martin Shikuku, George Anyona, Lawrence Sifuna, Kennedy Kiliku, Abuya Abuya, James Orengo, Gitobu Imanyara, Chelegat, just to mention a few. My advice is that all CORD members in parliament need to be given an induction course on how they can engage their compatriots to act as real opposition. At the moment, it seems as though we have no opposition at all.  2. Now that the ODM elections are slated for February 2014, I wish to advice that those elections be withheld until we put our house in order by putting certain structures in place that can enable make strategic plans for the 2017 General Elections. It is important to recognize the fact that majority of our counties have no ODM registered members. There are also no proper member registers kept both at the Location, Division, District, County and at the National level. In this way, no transparent elections can be carried out. I am therefore proposing that you hire a competent organization like the Pricewater house or Delloite and touche to do this work for all the constituencies before we can embark on the right elections that would be free and fair.  3. Holding elections as near as February 2014 and given the fact that we have no proper structures in place, is likely to tear the party apart to the advantage of the ruling coalition.  4. ODM at the moment is under the custody of cartels both at the grass root and at the national level. We need to evaluate all the people and come up with the right crop of leaders. Those young men and women who are making noise outside there, if they are not properly evaluated and found to be fit to lead a political party like ODM, we are likely to be doomed. My advice to this is that, although we must have changes in the leadership of the party, those changes must be gradual and stead, giving respect to those people who have made ODM what it is now. If this advice is not taken seriously, ODM will be under the attack of extinction.  5. Delaying party elections is therefore not a crime. Such elections can only be held when the political environment is conducive for elections but not in situations like this where we win an election and it is rigged by our opponents who usually infiltrate and incite those who are already automatic losers or those who are likely to be unable to take the party to the highest level of development and yet they want leadership.  Tell me Mheshimiwa, what sacrifice has for instance, people like Ken Obura, John Mbadi, Manson Nyamweya, Millicent Odhiambo and others done for Kenyans for which they can be recognized for national things? Can they bring together the 6 million various Kenyans to vote for CORD as you did?   Please, let us not take these elections as a public relations exercise to make popular certain names whose owners have not worked for it. To do such a thing now would be like asking the ANC to carry out elections with the idea of ditching out Nelson Mandela in South Africa.  Wishing to hear from you soon.  Yours faithfully,
I wish to take this opportunity to say hi again after a long period. Am sure you will appreciate the fact that we did well in the last general elections although we did not meet the target required to form the democratic Government of the people of Kenya due to one reason or the other.

However, it makes me happy for the way we have conducted ourselves from the time of elections to date. It also makes me happy to see our members participating in the governance of the country with the ruling party. I wish to point out some few things which I think if they are not given attention now, we are likely not to move forward as an opposition party and a government in waiting.
These are as follows;
1. The opposition is not strong in parliament at the moment, hence it requires re-engineering so that they can properly participate in the making of laws that go in line with our values of liberal democracy and development. They need to effectively engage their fellow Jubilee members in order to make parliament an opposition vibrant as was the days of Martin Shikuku, George Anyona, Lawrence Sifuna, Kennedy Kiliku, Abuya Abuya, James Orengo, Gitobu Imanyara, Chelegat, just to mention a few. My advice is that all CORD members in parliament need to be given an induction course on how they can engage their compatriots to act as real opposition. At the moment, it seems as though we have no opposition at all.

2. Now that the ODM elections are slated for February 2014, I wish to advice that those elections be withheld until we put our house in order by putting certain structures in place that can enable make strategic plans for the 2017 General Elections. It is important to recognize the fact that majority of our counties have no ODM registered members. There are also no proper member registers kept both at the Location, Division, District, County and at the National level. In this way, no transparent elections can be carried out.
I am therefore proposing that you hire a competent organization like the Pricewater house or Delloite and touche to do this work for all the constituencies before we can embark on the right elections that would be free and fair.

3. Holding elections as near as February 2014 and given the fact that we have no proper structures in place, is likely to tear the party apart to the advantage of the ruling coalition.

4. ODM at the moment is under the custody of cartels both at the grass root and at the national level. We need to evaluate all the people and come up with the right crop of leaders. Those young men and women who are making noise outside there, if they are not properly evaluated and found to be fit to lead a political party like ODM, we are likely to be doomed. My advice to this is that, although we must have changes in the leadership of the party, those changes must be gradual and stead, giving respect to those people who have made ODM what it is now. If this advice is not taken seriously, ODM will be under the attack of extinction.

5. Delaying party elections is therefore not a crime. Such elections can only be held when the political environment is conducive for elections but not in situations like this where we win an election and it is rigged by our opponents who usually infiltrate and incite those who are already automatic losers or those who are likely to be unable to take the party to the highest level of development and yet they want leadership.

Tell me Mheshimiwa, what sacrifice has for instance, people like Ken Obura, John Mbadi, Manson Nyamweya, Millicent Odhiambo and others done for Kenyans for which they can be recognized for national things? Can they bring together the 6 million various Kenyans to vote for CORD as you did?

Please, let us not take these elections as a public relations exercise to make popular certain names whose owners have not worked for it. To do such a thing now would be like asking the ANC to carry out elections with the idea of ditching out Nelson Mandela in South Africa.

Wishing to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
- See more at:
I wish to take this opportunity to say hi again after a long period. Am sure you will appreciate the fact that we did well in the last general elections although we did not meet the target required to form the democratic Government of the people of Kenya due to one reason or the other.

However, it makes me happy for the way we have conducted ourselves from the time of elections to date. It also makes me happy to see our members participating in the governance of the country with the ruling party. I wish to point out some few things which I think if they are not given attention now, we are likely not to move forward as an opposition party and a government in waiting.
These are as follows;
1. The opposition is not strong in parliament at the moment, hence it requires re-engineering so that they can properly participate in the making of laws that go in line with our values of liberal democracy and development. They need to effectively engage their fellow Jubilee members in order to make parliament an opposition vibrant as was the days of Martin Shikuku, George Anyona, Lawrence Sifuna, Kennedy Kiliku, Abuya Abuya, James Orengo, Gitobu Imanyara, Chelegat, just to mention a few. My advice is that all CORD members in parliament need to be given an induction course on how they can engage their compatriots to act as real opposition. At the moment, it seems as though we have no opposition at all.

2. Now that the ODM elections are slated for February 2014, I wish to advice that those elections be withheld until we put our house in order by putting certain structures in place that can enable make strategic plans for the 2017 General Elections. It is important to recognize the fact that majority of our counties have no ODM registered members. There are also no proper member registers kept both at the Location, Division, District, County and at the National level. In this way, no transparent elections can be carried out.
I am therefore proposing that you hire a competent organization like the Pricewater house or Delloite and touche to do this work for all the constituencies before we can embark on the right elections that would be free and fair.

3. Holding elections as near as February 2014 and given the fact that we have no proper structures in place, is likely to tear the party apart to the advantage of the ruling coalition.

4. ODM at the moment is under the custody of cartels both at the grass root and at the national level. We need to evaluate all the people and come up with the right crop of leaders. Those young men and women who are making noise outside there, if they are not properly evaluated and found to be fit to lead a political party like ODM, we are likely to be doomed. My advice to this is that, although we must have changes in the leadership of the party, those changes must be gradual and stead, giving respect to those people who have made ODM what it is now. If this advice is not taken seriously, ODM will be under the attack of extinction.

5. Delaying party elections is therefore not a crime. Such elections can only be held when the political environment is conducive for elections but not in situations like this where we win an election and it is rigged by our opponents who usually infiltrate and incite those who are already automatic losers or those who are likely to be unable to take the party to the highest level of development and yet they want leadership.

Tell me Mheshimiwa, what sacrifice has for instance, people like Ken Obura, John Mbadi, Manson Nyamweya, Millicent Odhiambo and others done for Kenyans for which they can be recognized for national things? Can they bring together the 6 million various Kenyans to vote for CORD as you did?

Please, let us not take these elections as a public relations exercise to make popular certain names whose owners have not worked for it. To do such a thing now would be like asking the ANC to carry out elections with the idea of ditching out Nelson Mandela in South Africa.

Wishing to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
- See more at:
I wish to take this opportunity to say hi again after a long period. Am sure you will appreciate the fact that we did well in the last general elections although we did not meet the target required to form the democratic Government of the people of Kenya due to one reason or the other.

However, it makes me happy for the way we have conducted ourselves from the time of elections to date. It also makes me happy to see our members participating in the governance of the country with the ruling party. I wish to point out some few things which I think if they are not given attention now, we are likely not to move forward as an opposition party and a government in waiting.
These are as follows;
1. The opposition is not strong in parliament at the moment, hence it requires re-engineering so that they can properly participate in the making of laws that go in line with our values of liberal democracy and development. They need to effectively engage their fellow Jubilee members in order to make parliament an opposition vibrant as was the days of Martin Shikuku, George Anyona, Lawrence Sifuna, Kennedy Kiliku, Abuya Abuya, James Orengo, Gitobu Imanyara, Chelegat, just to mention a few. My advice is that all CORD members in parliament need to be given an induction course on how they can engage their compatriots to act as real opposition. At the moment, it seems as though we have no opposition at all.

2. Now that the ODM elections are slated for February 2014, I wish to advice that those elections be withheld until we put our house in order by putting certain structures in place that can enable make strategic plans for the 2017 General Elections. It is important to recognize the fact that majority of our counties have no ODM registered members. There are also no proper member registers kept both at the Location, Division, District, County and at the National level. In this way, no transparent elections can be carried out.
I am therefore proposing that you hire a competent organization like the Pricewater house or Delloite and touche to do this work for all the constituencies before we can embark on the right elections that would be free and fair.

3. Holding elections as near as February 2014 and given the fact that we have no proper structures in place, is likely to tear the party apart to the advantage of the ruling coalition.

4. ODM at the moment is under the custody of cartels both at the grass root and at the national level. We need to evaluate all the people and come up with the right crop of leaders. Those young men and women who are making noise outside there, if they are not properly evaluated and found to be fit to lead a political party like ODM, we are likely to be doomed. My advice to this is that, although we must have changes in the leadership of the party, those changes must be gradual and stead, giving respect to those people who have made ODM what it is now. If this advice is not taken seriously, ODM will be under the attack of extinction.

5. Delaying party elections is therefore not a crime. Such elections can only be held when the political environment is conducive for elections but not in situations like this where we win an election and it is rigged by our opponents who usually infiltrate and incite those who are already automatic losers or those who are likely to be unable to take the party to the highest level of development and yet they want leadership.

Tell me Mheshimiwa, what sacrifice has for instance, people like Ken Obura, John Mbadi, Manson Nyamweya, Millicent Odhiambo and others done for Kenyans for which they can be recognized for national things? Can they bring together the 6 million various Kenyans to vote for CORD as you did?

Please, let us not take these elections as a public relations exercise to make popular certain names whose owners have not worked for it. To do such a thing now would be like asking the ANC to carry out elections with the idea of ditching out Nelson Mandela in South Africa.

Wishing to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
- See more at:

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