Thursday, August 21, 2014


By Jim Bonnie
Your Excellency Raila Odinga sir, Let me applaud your efforts since your youth in trying to liberate Kenya. History documents clearly your priceless input in the fight for second emancipation. I don’t want to go into that. Anybody who wants to know more can get himself a copy of the ‘Flame of Freedom’.
Today, I want to address you directly in few lines. I don’t want to tell stories to you like some pseudo writers and armchair journalists have often done. My pride in supporting you has never been lost. Or should I say shall never be lost.
Even at low moments such as the 2007 and 2013 scenarios when victory was snatched from our hands, I stood by you as many youths did. After these chilling incidences, no one can convince me that the power of the ballot will ever make sense any day in future in this country. Baba, in 2007, I never voted. I didn’t possess that piece of paper that identifies me first by tribe and second, belatedly, by citizenship. But I participated in debates attended by both the young and old. I voiced my support through these forums hopping I would do well in convincing two or so souls to vote for you.
I remember constantly being shouted at that however much noise I make, what counts is my vote not my mouth. I understood. I regretted having been a minor. I eagerly waited for that day I shall be able to hold an ID card and be able to vote for you. That wonderful moment came in 2013 but, it turned tragic.
The owners of this country once again proved to me and many others that my vote was as “useless” as my mouth. I was devastated. I got bored but I never gave up. Some people who I suspect are the “owners” of this country told me after the last elections that I should “accept and move on” because, they argued, “you are dead and buried” – politically.
I was pained. My instincts never lied to me. I knew this wonderful moment will come. That moment when I will see the Raila, of the 90s, walking majestically in the political daises calling for change.
I was relieved the moment you displayed renaissance from your trip to the land of ‘ja-kogelo’. Baba, this country must be liberated. And that time I now. I can’t promise anyone that I will ever go to the ballot again to vote. I have discovered it is an exercise in futility.
I am ready to stand by your side throughout the exercise leading to the final liberation of this country. I am tired living in a country where your character, learning, knowledge and energy don’t make sense in finding employment. What matters is your second name – which must be from a certain region.
So, as we go for saba saba, don’t let us down. Let the chips fall where it may. Tomorrow, let’s spend less time talking. As you said that the people will decide what to do, we have a message for you Baba, popular revolution is the way to go. Hid our call and we won’t let this country down.
Thank you. Regards,
Jim Bonnie YBS, (Youth of Burning Spear)

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