Thursday, August 21, 2014

Open letter to Raila Odinga from a blogger

Open letter to Raila Odinga

Dear Raila Amolo Odinga,

I sincerely hope that my letter finds you in good health. I have written many letters before, some to Mwai Kibaki, others to Uhuru Kenyatta but none ever to you.

Today though I finally feel the need to do so. Allow me to explain to you just how far we come. your father and I were great friends back in the day, I know you are wondering how come noting that I am barely 30. You see I went to school with two of your younger brothers and a niece of yours. We always had lunch on Mondays at Jaramogi's Milimani, Kisumu home and he was always glad to have us. I admired him a lot especially because my father almost literally worshiped him. When he died it was a huge blow to us but when you rose to take his place you filled almost every void he left in our hearts.

I have always known you as "the People's champion" ... those years you spent in detention for this country is a sacrifice that we will always cherish and appreciate. You remember I said I wrote to Kibaki and Kenyatta before but let me say if it was not for the free speech that you fought for I would not be able to do so.

Your accolades do not just end there, in 2007 when they stole your victory you sympathized with the thousands that shed their blood in the violence that followed and accepted to be a junior partner in a coalition government for the sake of peace and stability in this country.

Allow me to remind you at this juncture of the words of the former Vice President George Saitoti, words he uttered when you joined KANU. He said "there come a time when a nation is more important than an individual." May the good Lord rest his soul in eternal peace.

That time that the good Professor talked about is a time like we are currently having in Kenya. Mr. Raila, however well your intentions are, this country is bigger that you and me.

I do not refuse the fact that we need to sit down and talk about our issues as a nation, but those talks cannot happen with ultimatums being thrown left and right. National dialogue is not about You sitting down with the president. It is about Kenyans of all walks of life sitting together - including religious leaders, civil society groups, politicians and ordinary citizens.

We got as much stake as you in where this country moves to Mr. Odinga and I humbly submit to you that you kindly reconsider your "Saba Saba" calls for the sake of this country.

We are still recovering from the effects of post-election violence and we do not want to butcher each other again. Our security is failing us as a nation but it is time you allowed the government to put it's house in order then we can have this all-inclusive dialoge.

I could have said much but I think it is better that we deal with one thing at a time. Remember that this country will never forget your good deeds if you put if first but we will most definitely never forgive you if you take us to the dogs. How and what we remember you for is all in your hands now sir, make the right choice.

Yours Sincerely,

Another Blogger

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