Thursday, August 21, 2014


Dear peoples President
Sir, I am inclined to believe you are ok regardless of any rumors…..ever since you went to Boston, life back here has never been the same again….
Alshabab are literally playing golf with grenades…..
Wiper party became clueless on what is opposition…..
Kilonzo is not talking to Muriithis and Njoroges ……..
Sir, can you imagine Sonko is wearing unfinished trousers while receiving dignitaries…..
Sir, Nairobi is without a Governor and Embu have impeached Governor Wambora twice while you were away…..
Kericho have also impeached their governor….
A sexy lady cop Linda Okello became famous and was almost transferred to Mandera…
Though l hear she was given an oversized skirt to conceal her fundamentos…
Some people are selling methanol in alcohol bottles… has killed over 100 Kenyans…..(sob, sob)…
The Chinese came,saw and gave us either grant, loan, donation(am not sure what it was) of undisclosed amount…
Can you imagine sir Governor Joho has misplaced his degree and University of Kampala has refused to issue a certified copy
of the same……
As a way of fighting terror, we as a country decided to un-tint all private cars…..
While you were away, Riek Machar and Salva Kir signed a peace deal on paper but refused to ratify it on the ground…
To cut the long story short sir, I miss you……
devolution is on trial while you are away…..
safe flight back home”

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