Thursday, August 21, 2014

letter to raila amollo from the business community

By Abdulwalli Shariff Ahmed
Dear Honorable Raila,
We thank you and appreciate you for your efforts and consistency in trying to push for a dialogue with the government.
As a Kenya I am also of the idea for this, simply because our Nation has been going through a series of ups and downs but more downs than ups for the past year.
Being a business man and a Muslim for that matter, we have seen how our religion being branded and made to look like the devils religion instead of a religion that preaches peace. Every small incident that has happened in our beloved country has been blamed on the Al Shabab. This has automatically created a huge rift between the Muslims and the non Muslims. The animosity and hatred that has been brewed is one that is unbelievable and has split a nation that has been living peacefully with each other regardless of tribe, race or even religion. During the west gate incident, we all rose up and stood by each other as Kenyans, even shared blood. Arabs, Somali, Kikuyu, Kamba and others blood was given to Kalenjin, Luo , Indaians and all other tribes. What mattered most was the blood group and not our tribe
As Kenyans we have been enjoying peace and able to do business in this country without any issues arising however, lately your call for this dialogue and the hatred amongst different tribes and communities is worrying me and other business community in this country.
A number of Investors are slowly sending their money out of the country and relocating because of fear of lose and looting. As you can remember our History, Saba Saba has never been peaceful and, or passed without incidents of violence, looting, stoning of cars and innocent Kenyans falling victims of death and other related cases.
You will appreciate that Asa at now, Many Kenyans and their businesses are dreading this day. Most of the business owners will not open their places of work because of fear. I am sure a leader and a businessman you know what impact this will have in a country who's economy is already ailing.
The international communities are urging their Nationals not to come to Kenya because they don't want their citizens to be affected by the dreaded clashes and the insecurity that is slowly taking shape.
With all that is said, being a Leader I believe you should try as much as possible to make sure that Kenyans do not go into the streets especially during times like this when as a country we are still mourning our fellow Kenyans in Mpeketoni, Wajir, Baringo and North Eastern at Large.
I pen of with this Humble request, Kindly remember Muslims are now in their Holy month of Ramadhan. During this month we as Muslims request you to please tone down and call off the Saba saba rally. You will appreciate that a lot of Muslims voted for you and support you in all that you do. because of that I urge you to kindly consider your stand and allow us to finish the month without having to go through tear gas and buttons. Should you proceed with the event, the GSU will not spare anyone and many Kenyans will fall victim.
This is your time to unite Kenyans and show us your patriotism.
During hard times and security threats like this, we should unite and stand up against outsiders instead of fighting ourselves internally.

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