Thursday, August 21, 2014


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.  Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.  Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.  Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.  Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.  In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.  Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.  Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.  Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.  By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.  In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.  Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.

This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.

- See more at:
This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.

- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.
- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.
- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.
- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.
- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.
- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.

The author is the spokesman of the Party of National Unity (PNU). The views expressed herein are his own
- See more at:

This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.

The author is the spokesman of the Party of National Unity (PNU). The views expressed herein are his own
- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.

The author is the spokesman of the Party of National Unity (PNU). The views expressed herein are his own
- See more at:

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