Thursday, August 21, 2014

letter to raila amollo from the business community

By Abdulwalli Shariff Ahmed
Dear Honorable Raila,
We thank you and appreciate you for your efforts and consistency in trying to push for a dialogue with the government.
As a Kenya I am also of the idea for this, simply because our Nation has been going through a series of ups and downs but more downs than ups for the past year.
Being a business man and a Muslim for that matter, we have seen how our religion being branded and made to look like the devils religion instead of a religion that preaches peace. Every small incident that has happened in our beloved country has been blamed on the Al Shabab. This has automatically created a huge rift between the Muslims and the non Muslims. The animosity and hatred that has been brewed is one that is unbelievable and has split a nation that has been living peacefully with each other regardless of tribe, race or even religion. During the west gate incident, we all rose up and stood by each other as Kenyans, even shared blood. Arabs, Somali, Kikuyu, Kamba and others blood was given to Kalenjin, Luo , Indaians and all other tribes. What mattered most was the blood group and not our tribe
As Kenyans we have been enjoying peace and able to do business in this country without any issues arising however, lately your call for this dialogue and the hatred amongst different tribes and communities is worrying me and other business community in this country.
A number of Investors are slowly sending their money out of the country and relocating because of fear of lose and looting. As you can remember our History, Saba Saba has never been peaceful and, or passed without incidents of violence, looting, stoning of cars and innocent Kenyans falling victims of death and other related cases.
You will appreciate that Asa at now, Many Kenyans and their businesses are dreading this day. Most of the business owners will not open their places of work because of fear. I am sure a leader and a businessman you know what impact this will have in a country who's economy is already ailing.
The international communities are urging their Nationals not to come to Kenya because they don't want their citizens to be affected by the dreaded clashes and the insecurity that is slowly taking shape.
With all that is said, being a Leader I believe you should try as much as possible to make sure that Kenyans do not go into the streets especially during times like this when as a country we are still mourning our fellow Kenyans in Mpeketoni, Wajir, Baringo and North Eastern at Large.
I pen of with this Humble request, Kindly remember Muslims are now in their Holy month of Ramadhan. During this month we as Muslims request you to please tone down and call off the Saba saba rally. You will appreciate that a lot of Muslims voted for you and support you in all that you do. because of that I urge you to kindly consider your stand and allow us to finish the month without having to go through tear gas and buttons. Should you proceed with the event, the GSU will not spare anyone and many Kenyans will fall victim.
This is your time to unite Kenyans and show us your patriotism.
During hard times and security threats like this, we should unite and stand up against outsiders instead of fighting ourselves internally.

letter to railla amollo odiga from Ben Muluwa

An adage enthuses that in success, one must learn when to stop. I imagine it's because the journey to succeed, in whatever field, is no different from climbing a mountain.
When you reach the peak, the only sure way to go is down, if you insist to press on. You cannot walk through the air into the sky. Even with the assistance of a parachute or a hot-air balloon, your destination remains the foot of the mountain, or even the bottom of the sea.
My father was born in 1945. April 16 to be precise. That's the same year Raila Amollo Odinga breathed his first.
Through the 70s, 80s and 90s, my father, alongside his peers and age mates played transformational roles in my village and County, Makueni.
They established schools where there were none. These are the schools we went to. They helped establish health centres and other facilities. They established water points, pans and dams. They built market centres from scratch, where we trade to-date. Then they took the front line in ensuring that education and health standards only continued to improve.
Working with the provincial administration and other authorities, they ensured security and prosperity for all of us, working round the clock to ensure we a had a functional society.
While they still could, those who had the interest ran for and served their time in political offices. These included Keli Augustine's dad amongst others.
Today, these old men still remain instrumental in the affairs of my village and County. They are prized wells of wisdom. They still awe us with their foresight and independence of thought.
But today they have largely taken the back seat, allowing younger, more energetic people to take charge of critical affairs of our region. Many have relinquished positions of influence in development and school Boards to younger people.
They have accepted that age is catching up with them. Fresh ideas have begun to elude them. The challenges of the 21st century are particularly intimidating to them. Technological advances have not made matters any better for them. They are full cognizant of these realities of nature, and they've honorably and gracefully taken all this in stride.
They have allowed their children and grandchildren take charge of their collective destinies. They are happy learning new things and trends from us. They relish the times of their youth, while worrying about the crazy times we live in today. They only throw in their tidbits of wisdom, hoping they'd be useful to our day to day lives in modern society.
Most importantly, they are profoundly proud of the achievements of their time. They are proud retired administrators, teachers, civil servants and community leaders.
This is the league Raila Odinga belongs in. He ought to be a happily retired statesman who flaunts to his children and grandchildren his grand accomplishments in fighting for the immense democratic space we buoy in as a nation. His immense sacrifices, alongside those of his peers and age mates where never in vain.
He belongs in guiding and advising the younger generation of Baggy Maurice Ochieng, Benson Musungu, Ngunjiri Wambugu, Hon Ababu Namwamba, KJ, Philip Malile, Hon Chris Wamalwa, Caroline Ruto, Hazel Katana, and millions of other Kenyans.
Today, I wouldn't vote for my father if he ran for elective office, even MCA. I believe he made his significant contribution to our community, and lacks new ideas to confront the challenges of our time.
It's same reason I cannot support Raila Odinga in this day and age, alongside his peers. He's a spent force, bereft of ideas and strategy. It's time he took the back seat, and trusted younger, more energetic Kenyans to carry his illustrious legacy forward.
It's time to pass the baton Right Honorable. Else your next destination shall be the bottom of the sea.
The writer is a former presidential candidate

To raila amolo odinga from religious church leaders

We, religious church leaders drawn from diverse denominations and locations in the United States of America, constituting a large and equally broad Kenyan diaspora, wish to make the following petition to you, Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga:-
Flabbergasted at the political instigation to violence and lawlessness in mass demonstrations threatened by CORD Alliance leaders in Kenya;
  1. Aware that this seemingly civil action comes at a time that Kenyans are reeling from the relentless terrorist attacks from the Somali Alshabaab, already accounting for many deaths, injuries and destruction of property;
  2. Aware that this seemingly civil action comes at a time that Kenyans are reeling from the relentless terrorist attacks from the Somali Alshabaab, already accounting for many deaths, injuries and destruction of property;
  3. Keenly cognizant of the fact that the Kenya Defence Forces, operating under UNISOM in Somalia, was a justified intervention to pursue Alshabaab terrorists who had made forays into Kenya and caused instability;
  4. Recognizing the complex and fluid crosscurrents in the war against terrorism globally;
  5. Being reminded of the repeated incidents of needless shedding bloodshed and destruction of property in Kenya after every general election;
  6. Knowing fully well how volatile and sensitive any divisive politics has destroyed the political fabric in Kenya;
  7. Openly admitting that our political establishment on both sides of the divide have served to perpetuate elements of public discontent and tribal division;
  8. Desirous of a long term solution to the endless attempts to spur politically instigated ethnic genocide in Kenya;
  9. And having enjoyed a seemingly warm fellowship with you during your three month furlough in the United States of America;
  10. Fully understanding that the sparking of civil war in Kenya would be the beginning of the worst and most horiffic ethnic bloodletting to affect all tribes;
….. We as men of God, with a keen desire to see the kingdom of God on earth bringing about peace, love and brotherly relations make the following petition to you:
a) We support your recent contention in an interview that “There are (terrorist) attacks along the border, by those targeting religious institutions like churches and mosques and even tourist centers. Tourists have been abducted in Kenya, and one was killed. We have to neutralize Al-Shabaab, the terrorist group that began in Somalia. It’s transformed itself into a militia, conducting raids into certain installations, like the Westgate mall attack in Nairobi. And there have been attacks in the mosques and a recent attack on a church in Mombasa.”
b) We appreciate your keen understanding of the insecurity in Kenya, as a former Prime Minister, and understand fully well that the country is under siege by the Alshabaab terrorists;
c) We know you are familiar with the near genocide of 2007/2008 general elections after you classified the poll results as flawed and called for mass action;
d) The unending calls by your fellow leaders in CORD for mass action, expected to commence after your return to Kenya are a cause of great concern and Kenyans of all walks must be wondering at whether you are capable of sacrificing the stability of the country at the altar of political expedience;
e) You are on record as having said that Kenya is greater than one individual and many peaceful Kenyan observers now question the genuineness of this statement, if you still feel Kenya should go the way of destructive mass action to overcome your political foes;
f) We emphasize the need for Kenya to remain united, especially at the vulnerable point at which it is being vilified at many points by the faceless and heartless Alshabaab terrorists;
g) We question, therefore, the rationale behind the planned pomp and pageantry on your return, and especially the pronouncements that have been openly made about the go-ahead you are expected to give for an Arab Spring in Kenya.
h) The Kenyan political landscape is far different from the Arab sheikhdoms that have been crying for democratic reforms and the post-Egyptian spring should be an ample lesson for those inciting the innocent public to the streets.
i) We make this petition to plead to your better sense of political judgment and purposely choose the way of peace and national reconciliation over the political differences you and your alliance partners may have with the ruling establishment in Kenya;
j) We realize that sponsors of the Arab Spring in many of the affected countries have looked askance as nations have disintegrated and many innocent citizens have risen to maim, kill and destroy each other, all in the name of entrenching democracy.
k) We insist that democracy is about win-win situations that entails embracing co-existence even in the face of strong divergent political opinions.
l) We aver that Kenyans are justified to continue pushing for greater political pluralism, transparency and accountability, in an orderly manner that does not destroy the achievements so far made’
m) We acknowledge the many great strides made in the form process that now exhibits a different approach to governance in Kenya as it used to be in the single party dictatorship.
n) We call on you to show leadership by example, by guiding the foot soldiers in your party, ODM and alliances in the CORD, to drop the very unpalatable threats against their motherland and seek peace, especially in view of the fragile nature of the internal security threatened by outside terrorist elements.
o) We unapologetically consider it something akin to sedition for anybody to be so unpatriotic as to call for mass action and the infamous destruction of life and property we are familiar with on Kenyan streets;
p) We leave it to your political discretion, in view of these strong sentiments against creating more instability in Kenya, as we speak for the millions in the Diaspora and indeed, voice similar sentiments by those who have their country at heart in Kenya.
q) Finally we echo your words in a recent interview in which you said, “Terrorist crime is something that is external and that requires international coordination to deal with. But then there are crimes that are related to poverty in the country. These kinds of crimes can only be dealt with by improving the economic conditions of the people. And the long-term solution is to first open up the country, because the public sector cannot provide employment to all the country’s unemployed people. You’ll see that if we open up the country, you’re investing in infrastructure development that provides roads, electricity, and water to the rural areas. That itself triggers self-economic activities in some of those remote villages, which helps to create employment.”
r) These sober and mature words bespeak a moment of true patriotism and a spirit of tolerance. We pray that you will underscore this political direction for posterity in Kenya. Mass action will not improve on the already tattered tourism industry, reverse the fatalities of heal the injuries caused by the ongoing horror of senseless bombings of the innocent.
s) We pray that you have seen and experienced firsthand the enabling environment, devoid of ethnic tension, bloodletting and destructive mass action, that informs the socio-economic and political landscape in the United States of America, something that you may want to emulate and take back home for us to advance as a third world.

  • The President - Venerable Peter Gacathi
  • Vice President - Rev John Wachira
  • Secretary - Venerable Samuel Kimohu
  • Treasurer-David Ndungu
  • Members-Rev,Charles Kahiko of Calvary Evangelical Church in Dracut City MA
  • Member - Rev Stanley Kariuki of CCF Church in Lowell
  • Rev. Joseph Njuguna Ngotho of St.Stephen Anglican Church in Lynn City MA
  • Rev. James Githitu of St.Paul Dorchester Church
  • Rev. Father George Gitau
  • Rev. Dr.Karimi Mumbui of PCEA Neema Church in Lowell MA
  • Rev. Stanley Mungai
  • Rev. Jeremiah Githere of Grace International Church in Lowell MA
  • Rev. Joseph Waiyaki of CCF Lowell MA
  • Rev. Mrs Judy Wachaga of Shield Of Faith Ministries Lowell MA
  • Bishop David Karaya of CCF Church in Lowell MA
  • Rev. Dorcus Karanja
  • Rev. Joseck Kimani of Grace International Church
Original Author: 


I wish to take this opportunity to say hi again after a long period. Am sure you will appreciate the fact that we did well in the last general elections although we did not meet the target required to form the democratic Government of the people of Kenya due to one reason or the other.   However, it makes me happy for the way we have conducted ourselves from the time of elections to date. It also makes me happy to see our members participating in the governance of the country with the ruling party. I wish to point out some few things which I think if they are not given attention now, we are likely not to move forward as an opposition party and a government in waiting.  These are as follows; 1. The opposition is not strong in parliament at the moment, hence it requires re-engineering so that they can properly participate in the making of laws that go in line with our values of liberal democracy and development. They need to effectively engage their fellow Jubilee members in order to make parliament an opposition vibrant as was the days of Martin Shikuku, George Anyona, Lawrence Sifuna, Kennedy Kiliku, Abuya Abuya, James Orengo, Gitobu Imanyara, Chelegat, just to mention a few. My advice is that all CORD members in parliament need to be given an induction course on how they can engage their compatriots to act as real opposition. At the moment, it seems as though we have no opposition at all.  2. Now that the ODM elections are slated for February 2014, I wish to advice that those elections be withheld until we put our house in order by putting certain structures in place that can enable make strategic plans for the 2017 General Elections. It is important to recognize the fact that majority of our counties have no ODM registered members. There are also no proper member registers kept both at the Location, Division, District, County and at the National level. In this way, no transparent elections can be carried out. I am therefore proposing that you hire a competent organization like the Pricewater house or Delloite and touche to do this work for all the constituencies before we can embark on the right elections that would be free and fair.  3. Holding elections as near as February 2014 and given the fact that we have no proper structures in place, is likely to tear the party apart to the advantage of the ruling coalition.  4. ODM at the moment is under the custody of cartels both at the grass root and at the national level. We need to evaluate all the people and come up with the right crop of leaders. Those young men and women who are making noise outside there, if they are not properly evaluated and found to be fit to lead a political party like ODM, we are likely to be doomed. My advice to this is that, although we must have changes in the leadership of the party, those changes must be gradual and stead, giving respect to those people who have made ODM what it is now. If this advice is not taken seriously, ODM will be under the attack of extinction.  5. Delaying party elections is therefore not a crime. Such elections can only be held when the political environment is conducive for elections but not in situations like this where we win an election and it is rigged by our opponents who usually infiltrate and incite those who are already automatic losers or those who are likely to be unable to take the party to the highest level of development and yet they want leadership.  Tell me Mheshimiwa, what sacrifice has for instance, people like Ken Obura, John Mbadi, Manson Nyamweya, Millicent Odhiambo and others done for Kenyans for which they can be recognized for national things? Can they bring together the 6 million various Kenyans to vote for CORD as you did?   Please, let us not take these elections as a public relations exercise to make popular certain names whose owners have not worked for it. To do such a thing now would be like asking the ANC to carry out elections with the idea of ditching out Nelson Mandela in South Africa.  Wishing to hear from you soon.  Yours faithfully,
I wish to take this opportunity to say hi again after a long period. Am sure you will appreciate the fact that we did well in the last general elections although we did not meet the target required to form the democratic Government of the people of Kenya due to one reason or the other.

However, it makes me happy for the way we have conducted ourselves from the time of elections to date. It also makes me happy to see our members participating in the governance of the country with the ruling party. I wish to point out some few things which I think if they are not given attention now, we are likely not to move forward as an opposition party and a government in waiting.
These are as follows;
1. The opposition is not strong in parliament at the moment, hence it requires re-engineering so that they can properly participate in the making of laws that go in line with our values of liberal democracy and development. They need to effectively engage their fellow Jubilee members in order to make parliament an opposition vibrant as was the days of Martin Shikuku, George Anyona, Lawrence Sifuna, Kennedy Kiliku, Abuya Abuya, James Orengo, Gitobu Imanyara, Chelegat, just to mention a few. My advice is that all CORD members in parliament need to be given an induction course on how they can engage their compatriots to act as real opposition. At the moment, it seems as though we have no opposition at all.

2. Now that the ODM elections are slated for February 2014, I wish to advice that those elections be withheld until we put our house in order by putting certain structures in place that can enable make strategic plans for the 2017 General Elections. It is important to recognize the fact that majority of our counties have no ODM registered members. There are also no proper member registers kept both at the Location, Division, District, County and at the National level. In this way, no transparent elections can be carried out.
I am therefore proposing that you hire a competent organization like the Pricewater house or Delloite and touche to do this work for all the constituencies before we can embark on the right elections that would be free and fair.

3. Holding elections as near as February 2014 and given the fact that we have no proper structures in place, is likely to tear the party apart to the advantage of the ruling coalition.

4. ODM at the moment is under the custody of cartels both at the grass root and at the national level. We need to evaluate all the people and come up with the right crop of leaders. Those young men and women who are making noise outside there, if they are not properly evaluated and found to be fit to lead a political party like ODM, we are likely to be doomed. My advice to this is that, although we must have changes in the leadership of the party, those changes must be gradual and stead, giving respect to those people who have made ODM what it is now. If this advice is not taken seriously, ODM will be under the attack of extinction.

5. Delaying party elections is therefore not a crime. Such elections can only be held when the political environment is conducive for elections but not in situations like this where we win an election and it is rigged by our opponents who usually infiltrate and incite those who are already automatic losers or those who are likely to be unable to take the party to the highest level of development and yet they want leadership.

Tell me Mheshimiwa, what sacrifice has for instance, people like Ken Obura, John Mbadi, Manson Nyamweya, Millicent Odhiambo and others done for Kenyans for which they can be recognized for national things? Can they bring together the 6 million various Kenyans to vote for CORD as you did?

Please, let us not take these elections as a public relations exercise to make popular certain names whose owners have not worked for it. To do such a thing now would be like asking the ANC to carry out elections with the idea of ditching out Nelson Mandela in South Africa.

Wishing to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
- See more at:
I wish to take this opportunity to say hi again after a long period. Am sure you will appreciate the fact that we did well in the last general elections although we did not meet the target required to form the democratic Government of the people of Kenya due to one reason or the other.

However, it makes me happy for the way we have conducted ourselves from the time of elections to date. It also makes me happy to see our members participating in the governance of the country with the ruling party. I wish to point out some few things which I think if they are not given attention now, we are likely not to move forward as an opposition party and a government in waiting.
These are as follows;
1. The opposition is not strong in parliament at the moment, hence it requires re-engineering so that they can properly participate in the making of laws that go in line with our values of liberal democracy and development. They need to effectively engage their fellow Jubilee members in order to make parliament an opposition vibrant as was the days of Martin Shikuku, George Anyona, Lawrence Sifuna, Kennedy Kiliku, Abuya Abuya, James Orengo, Gitobu Imanyara, Chelegat, just to mention a few. My advice is that all CORD members in parliament need to be given an induction course on how they can engage their compatriots to act as real opposition. At the moment, it seems as though we have no opposition at all.

2. Now that the ODM elections are slated for February 2014, I wish to advice that those elections be withheld until we put our house in order by putting certain structures in place that can enable make strategic plans for the 2017 General Elections. It is important to recognize the fact that majority of our counties have no ODM registered members. There are also no proper member registers kept both at the Location, Division, District, County and at the National level. In this way, no transparent elections can be carried out.
I am therefore proposing that you hire a competent organization like the Pricewater house or Delloite and touche to do this work for all the constituencies before we can embark on the right elections that would be free and fair.

3. Holding elections as near as February 2014 and given the fact that we have no proper structures in place, is likely to tear the party apart to the advantage of the ruling coalition.

4. ODM at the moment is under the custody of cartels both at the grass root and at the national level. We need to evaluate all the people and come up with the right crop of leaders. Those young men and women who are making noise outside there, if they are not properly evaluated and found to be fit to lead a political party like ODM, we are likely to be doomed. My advice to this is that, although we must have changes in the leadership of the party, those changes must be gradual and stead, giving respect to those people who have made ODM what it is now. If this advice is not taken seriously, ODM will be under the attack of extinction.

5. Delaying party elections is therefore not a crime. Such elections can only be held when the political environment is conducive for elections but not in situations like this where we win an election and it is rigged by our opponents who usually infiltrate and incite those who are already automatic losers or those who are likely to be unable to take the party to the highest level of development and yet they want leadership.

Tell me Mheshimiwa, what sacrifice has for instance, people like Ken Obura, John Mbadi, Manson Nyamweya, Millicent Odhiambo and others done for Kenyans for which they can be recognized for national things? Can they bring together the 6 million various Kenyans to vote for CORD as you did?

Please, let us not take these elections as a public relations exercise to make popular certain names whose owners have not worked for it. To do such a thing now would be like asking the ANC to carry out elections with the idea of ditching out Nelson Mandela in South Africa.

Wishing to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
- See more at:
I wish to take this opportunity to say hi again after a long period. Am sure you will appreciate the fact that we did well in the last general elections although we did not meet the target required to form the democratic Government of the people of Kenya due to one reason or the other.

However, it makes me happy for the way we have conducted ourselves from the time of elections to date. It also makes me happy to see our members participating in the governance of the country with the ruling party. I wish to point out some few things which I think if they are not given attention now, we are likely not to move forward as an opposition party and a government in waiting.
These are as follows;
1. The opposition is not strong in parliament at the moment, hence it requires re-engineering so that they can properly participate in the making of laws that go in line with our values of liberal democracy and development. They need to effectively engage their fellow Jubilee members in order to make parliament an opposition vibrant as was the days of Martin Shikuku, George Anyona, Lawrence Sifuna, Kennedy Kiliku, Abuya Abuya, James Orengo, Gitobu Imanyara, Chelegat, just to mention a few. My advice is that all CORD members in parliament need to be given an induction course on how they can engage their compatriots to act as real opposition. At the moment, it seems as though we have no opposition at all.

2. Now that the ODM elections are slated for February 2014, I wish to advice that those elections be withheld until we put our house in order by putting certain structures in place that can enable make strategic plans for the 2017 General Elections. It is important to recognize the fact that majority of our counties have no ODM registered members. There are also no proper member registers kept both at the Location, Division, District, County and at the National level. In this way, no transparent elections can be carried out.
I am therefore proposing that you hire a competent organization like the Pricewater house or Delloite and touche to do this work for all the constituencies before we can embark on the right elections that would be free and fair.

3. Holding elections as near as February 2014 and given the fact that we have no proper structures in place, is likely to tear the party apart to the advantage of the ruling coalition.

4. ODM at the moment is under the custody of cartels both at the grass root and at the national level. We need to evaluate all the people and come up with the right crop of leaders. Those young men and women who are making noise outside there, if they are not properly evaluated and found to be fit to lead a political party like ODM, we are likely to be doomed. My advice to this is that, although we must have changes in the leadership of the party, those changes must be gradual and stead, giving respect to those people who have made ODM what it is now. If this advice is not taken seriously, ODM will be under the attack of extinction.

5. Delaying party elections is therefore not a crime. Such elections can only be held when the political environment is conducive for elections but not in situations like this where we win an election and it is rigged by our opponents who usually infiltrate and incite those who are already automatic losers or those who are likely to be unable to take the party to the highest level of development and yet they want leadership.

Tell me Mheshimiwa, what sacrifice has for instance, people like Ken Obura, John Mbadi, Manson Nyamweya, Millicent Odhiambo and others done for Kenyans for which they can be recognized for national things? Can they bring together the 6 million various Kenyans to vote for CORD as you did?

Please, let us not take these elections as a public relations exercise to make popular certain names whose owners have not worked for it. To do such a thing now would be like asking the ANC to carry out elections with the idea of ditching out Nelson Mandela in South Africa.

Wishing to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
- See more at:


Dear peoples President
Sir, I am inclined to believe you are ok regardless of any rumors…..ever since you went to Boston, life back here has never been the same again….
Alshabab are literally playing golf with grenades…..
Wiper party became clueless on what is opposition…..
Kilonzo is not talking to Muriithis and Njoroges ……..
Sir, can you imagine Sonko is wearing unfinished trousers while receiving dignitaries…..
Sir, Nairobi is without a Governor and Embu have impeached Governor Wambora twice while you were away…..
Kericho have also impeached their governor….
A sexy lady cop Linda Okello became famous and was almost transferred to Mandera…
Though l hear she was given an oversized skirt to conceal her fundamentos…
Some people are selling methanol in alcohol bottles… has killed over 100 Kenyans…..(sob, sob)…
The Chinese came,saw and gave us either grant, loan, donation(am not sure what it was) of undisclosed amount…
Can you imagine sir Governor Joho has misplaced his degree and University of Kampala has refused to issue a certified copy
of the same……
As a way of fighting terror, we as a country decided to un-tint all private cars…..
While you were away, Riek Machar and Salva Kir signed a peace deal on paper but refused to ratify it on the ground…
To cut the long story short sir, I miss you……
devolution is on trial while you are away…..
safe flight back home”

Open letter to Raila Odinga from a blogger

Open letter to Raila Odinga

Dear Raila Amolo Odinga,

I sincerely hope that my letter finds you in good health. I have written many letters before, some to Mwai Kibaki, others to Uhuru Kenyatta but none ever to you.

Today though I finally feel the need to do so. Allow me to explain to you just how far we come. your father and I were great friends back in the day, I know you are wondering how come noting that I am barely 30. You see I went to school with two of your younger brothers and a niece of yours. We always had lunch on Mondays at Jaramogi's Milimani, Kisumu home and he was always glad to have us. I admired him a lot especially because my father almost literally worshiped him. When he died it was a huge blow to us but when you rose to take his place you filled almost every void he left in our hearts.

I have always known you as "the People's champion" ... those years you spent in detention for this country is a sacrifice that we will always cherish and appreciate. You remember I said I wrote to Kibaki and Kenyatta before but let me say if it was not for the free speech that you fought for I would not be able to do so.

Your accolades do not just end there, in 2007 when they stole your victory you sympathized with the thousands that shed their blood in the violence that followed and accepted to be a junior partner in a coalition government for the sake of peace and stability in this country.

Allow me to remind you at this juncture of the words of the former Vice President George Saitoti, words he uttered when you joined KANU. He said "there come a time when a nation is more important than an individual." May the good Lord rest his soul in eternal peace.

That time that the good Professor talked about is a time like we are currently having in Kenya. Mr. Raila, however well your intentions are, this country is bigger that you and me.

I do not refuse the fact that we need to sit down and talk about our issues as a nation, but those talks cannot happen with ultimatums being thrown left and right. National dialogue is not about You sitting down with the president. It is about Kenyans of all walks of life sitting together - including religious leaders, civil society groups, politicians and ordinary citizens.

We got as much stake as you in where this country moves to Mr. Odinga and I humbly submit to you that you kindly reconsider your "Saba Saba" calls for the sake of this country.

We are still recovering from the effects of post-election violence and we do not want to butcher each other again. Our security is failing us as a nation but it is time you allowed the government to put it's house in order then we can have this all-inclusive dialoge.

I could have said much but I think it is better that we deal with one thing at a time. Remember that this country will never forget your good deeds if you put if first but we will most definitely never forgive you if you take us to the dogs. How and what we remember you for is all in your hands now sir, make the right choice.

Yours Sincerely,

Another Blogger


By Jim Bonnie
Your Excellency Raila Odinga sir, Let me applaud your efforts since your youth in trying to liberate Kenya. History documents clearly your priceless input in the fight for second emancipation. I don’t want to go into that. Anybody who wants to know more can get himself a copy of the ‘Flame of Freedom’.
Today, I want to address you directly in few lines. I don’t want to tell stories to you like some pseudo writers and armchair journalists have often done. My pride in supporting you has never been lost. Or should I say shall never be lost.
Even at low moments such as the 2007 and 2013 scenarios when victory was snatched from our hands, I stood by you as many youths did. After these chilling incidences, no one can convince me that the power of the ballot will ever make sense any day in future in this country. Baba, in 2007, I never voted. I didn’t possess that piece of paper that identifies me first by tribe and second, belatedly, by citizenship. But I participated in debates attended by both the young and old. I voiced my support through these forums hopping I would do well in convincing two or so souls to vote for you.
I remember constantly being shouted at that however much noise I make, what counts is my vote not my mouth. I understood. I regretted having been a minor. I eagerly waited for that day I shall be able to hold an ID card and be able to vote for you. That wonderful moment came in 2013 but, it turned tragic.
The owners of this country once again proved to me and many others that my vote was as “useless” as my mouth. I was devastated. I got bored but I never gave up. Some people who I suspect are the “owners” of this country told me after the last elections that I should “accept and move on” because, they argued, “you are dead and buried” – politically.
I was pained. My instincts never lied to me. I knew this wonderful moment will come. That moment when I will see the Raila, of the 90s, walking majestically in the political daises calling for change.
I was relieved the moment you displayed renaissance from your trip to the land of ‘ja-kogelo’. Baba, this country must be liberated. And that time I now. I can’t promise anyone that I will ever go to the ballot again to vote. I have discovered it is an exercise in futility.
I am ready to stand by your side throughout the exercise leading to the final liberation of this country. I am tired living in a country where your character, learning, knowledge and energy don’t make sense in finding employment. What matters is your second name – which must be from a certain region.
So, as we go for saba saba, don’t let us down. Let the chips fall where it may. Tomorrow, let’s spend less time talking. As you said that the people will decide what to do, we have a message for you Baba, popular revolution is the way to go. Hid our call and we won’t let this country down.
Thank you. Regards,
Jim Bonnie YBS, (Youth of Burning Spear)


Dear Mr. Odinga,

Let me start by making you aware of my genuine feelings for you. I don’t like you. This is absolutely nothing personal. I do not like any Kenyan politician. Be it you, your allies or your opponents. Every single last of a human being otherwise known as a politician. Politicians elicit nothing but anger in me. Anger directed towards them.

Politicians make me want to question God about his intention towards mankind who have no option whatsoever but to live miserably under the governance of vile politicians. Politicians make me want to set fire to my foot and watch it burn. Politicians inspire me to indulge in great amounts of cynide. I have everything against politicians. I completely dislike them. And oh yes, this includes the president and the entire government. I DON’T LIKE YOU.
Having set the record straight about my dislike for you and every other politician, dead or alive, I have to tell you that I just learnt that you declared 7/07/2014 a public holiday. To everyone else, this is stale news. But I just learnt about it because I am always behind in everything. I learn or hear about things long after everyone else has even forgotten about it. I lag behind like that. See, even when you throw a Kitendawili, I’ll get the meaning a few months later (this means I have plenty of them to catch up with). And it’s not my fault, it’s genetic. I have a slow mind. And sadly, humanity has no choice but to deal with it.
Now, whether you are constitutionally allowed to randomly declare whatever day a public holiday or not, I have been having several moments of confusion tormenting my very existence in a quest to find detailed and understandable answers to a question like :
What exactly is the purpose of this holiday? I need to know so that I can prepare accordingly. The way people wear dresses and shirts whose theme is our national flag and sing very emotional patriotic songs on, say, Madaraka Day (which is a public holiday), I’d like to know exactly what I’m supposed to wear and sing on this particular public holiday. I do not think I want to be embarrassed and feel out of place when everyone else is wearing a Soko Ugali costume singing “Soko ugaaali…” whilst I’m there in my Pampers costume enthusiastically singing “Ooone Pampers…”.
Or another like:
When you say that none of us should (go to) work on this particular (public holi)day, could you be so kind as to explain WHY exactly I shouldn’t go to work? If I won’t be working, then what will I be doing? And where will I be doing it? And why will I be doing it? Am I not gonna go to work because you’ll pay my household a visit with a few sackfuls of foodstuff? I’d like to know so that I can maybe clean my house and maybe take a bath and maybe dress appropriately as I await your visit. My house is not suitable for people of your high calibre, but I’m sure you wouldn’t mind sitting down on a dirty, worn out mat just outside my house. Which is one of my very valuable belongings, by the way. Ofcourse I’d expect you to really appreciate that because I’m not usually that generous, especially to people I do not like.
Anyway, since I’m sure you must be very busy doing whatever it is that you do when you’re very busy, I shall not dare compell you to answer these and many other bugging questions. Mostly because you will undoubtedly lie. Politicians are bloody liars. I wonder how soundly, comfortably and contentedly you politicians must sleep at night after a hard day’s work of lying to innocent, believing mwananchi, and even uttering disgusting statements that are meant to divide them. Must be very rewarding, I suppose. So since we have established that I do not wish to seek answers from you because they will all be heavily laced with lies, here are the things I would rather do on 7/07/2014 than perharps attend your rally, or whatever other political thingy that would be happening wherever by whoever.
• Ignore you
• Go to work
• Buy a cat (which, by the way, is a VERY HUGE THING given that I hate cats. But at least it gives you a rough picture about MY priorities)
• Count the tiles in my bathroom
• Take a nap
• Count the thread on the front of my loafers
• Swat mosquitoes
• Watch my nails grow
• Enter into a long embarrassing argument with random internet strangers about the World Cup
• Bleach my skin (although I’m not very sure my skin would get any lighter than it already is. I will try, though).
• Set out on a tour around the nation in a bid to find out what exactly happened to quails and their eggs
• Love my neighbours
• Open a school where I’ll be teaching women to make round (and soft) chapatis
• Procrastinate endlessly
• Open a 2go and Nimbuzz account (which also is a very huge thing because WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY?)
• Eat buttered bread dipped in tea
• Watch a horrible Bollywood film followed by several horrible Nollywood films (huge thing!)
• Play with a very hungry man-eating lion
• Watch the sexual social behaviours of Bonobo monkeys on YouTube
• Listen to Taarab music (huge, huge thing as well)
Sincerely knowing you will never read this and also hoping that I can one day be as rich as you so that I do not have to worry when anyone says I mustn’t go to work,

Letter to Rt. Hon. Dr. Eng. Raila Amolo Odinga, from Kohadha Roy Ogolla


Rt. Hon. Dr. Eng. Raila Amolo Odinga,

Across the globe, the tumultuous political events of the past 3 years have raised hopes for the creation and revitalization of democratic institutions. In some countries, dictatorships have crumbled and new governments have crawled from the rubble.
In others democratic opposition movements have gained strength, courage, and international recognition.
 Kenya has not been left behind, in fact, Kenya boasts of being among the very few democratic countries in Africa- never mind that none of the election in this country have ever attained the “free and fair” mark; with you and your supporters claiming to be victims of flawed electoral processes in the last two decades.
 Still you are celebrated as the Father of the Second Liberation of this Country, a title you worthily inherited from you Late Father, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga- the Doyen of Kenyan Opposition Politics.
Who wouldn’t celebrate the man who spent nine (9) years of his life in detention without trial who “forgave” his oppressor and even merged political parties with only to make sure the tyrant went home after 24 years of dictatorship?
 Who wouldn’t dare celebrate a man who overlooked his father’s tribulations in the hands of perceived enemies and declare one of their own “Tosha” at his own expense?
 Who wouldn’t celebrate a man whose victory was stolen and instead of standing the ground as advised by his political team, agrees to share “makate nusu” with the alleged thieves?
It takes real tribalism, real idiocy and real phobia for anyone- any sane Kenyan not to celebrate Raila Amolo Odinga.
You’ve brought this county thus far and that much, I appreciate you for. But there is this little matter that has made me sit down behind my old laptop to write to you this letter- SIAYA COUNTY GUBERNATORIAL BY-ELECTIONS.
It will be of no importance to remind you that despite the fact that you’ve been a “Jogoo wa Mjini”, having played national politics and represented Lang’ata Constituency in Nairobi for more than 20 years, you are a son of the great Siaya County.
Baba, the dynamics of democratic leadership, that you have so much fought for in Kenya is however, not well understood to you in the matter of Siaya County Gubernatorial By-Elections.
Since leadership plays a vital role in democratic movements and democratic governance, it is essential that you, as the party leader of ODM address this issue. To the extent that you have a measure of authority and power, as a democratic leader, you must be accountable for the decisions the party makes and the roles they play.
You are aware that had you been in-charge of this matter as early as January 2013, we wouldn’t be heading into a by-election, right? I believe we are in agreement. I will not delve much into that, as we both know the truth.
I cannot understand the position of some of the party officials, led by the Secretary General, Anyang’ Nyongo, in trying to avert the expected democratic process of a leadership challenge within the party and the matter of Siaya County.
Does Nyong’o have total control over this party? And why does it appear Jakoyo Midiwo and a few Luo Nyanza MPs are the de facto leaders of the party, pushing a very dictatorial agenda?
Where do you really stand?
The leadership of the party must recognize that if the machinery and base of the party are not motivated to go out and work for the ODM, they will not be able to win this by-election, no matter how ‘self-destructing’ the matter is at the moment. We have seen that happen before and yes, it is bound to happen again.
An internal challenge will bring the decision-making to the people who matter most, the core of the ODM, the members- in specific, and the supporters of the party. If the supporters of the party make up the highest biggest body within the party, why have they not been allowed to seriously choose their leader?
Siaya voters and ODM supporters  have never seriously voted for a leader, but have been given anointed leaders, who have been chosen by a select few who feel they know exactly what everyone is thinking and who the populace is drawn to.
This has not really gone down well as far as development is concerned in the county. We still languish in abject poverty, HIV/AIDS is still a major course of death in this county in the 21st Century, our road network are rendered impassible if it dares to rain, our education light is slowly getting dimmed as day progresses, our health centres still lack basic facilities, our youths still have no jobs, electricity and clean water remain a farfetched dream while our economic activities can even sustain a decent life.
Tinga, this happens while you are busy correcting the wrongs of an entire country while your county remains dilapidated.
Have you tried accessing James Orengo’s home in Ugenya during the rainy season? I bet you have the difference is that you flew there… Had you driven there, you would have been surprised that the Senator, has to park his car at some primary school and acquire gumboots to get to his home, yet he has been an MP for the longest time possible. What is the reason? Both you and your dad made him a choice for Ugenya, you deprived the people of Ugenya of the one vital right to choose a person who would have done something about such matters. Orengo’s case is replicated across the six constituencies in the county, I will excuse Ugunja constituency- it’s not even a year old yet.
Agwambo, I know the party settled for Cornell Amoth Rasanga as its flag bearer in the forth coming by-elections… We as Siaya residents can do nothing about it now, but did you ever try to ask yourself what Rasanga has done in the past six months in your home county?
Do you know that in the Siaya County budget has money set aside for the erection of your father’s monument? Do you know how much it is? 4 million shillings… Are you aware that the same budget has an allocation of 30 million for thr erection of a similar monument for Cornell Rasanga’s dad, Amoth Owira?  I wonder who history recognizes in the county between Jaramogi and Amoth and who deserves a monument.
If Rasanga is desired by the majority of the voters of Siaya, he will be returned as leader by them. If he is not the desired leader, he will be rejected by the same voters. However, this can only be confirmed by way of the ballot. The main reason why I write to you this letter…
The leadership of the ODM should resist any temptation to take away the decision-making rights of the ordinary Siaya voters who make up the highest body within their county. I know that you are being pressured to send a battalion of the ODM/CORD brigade to Siaya to drum up support for Rasanga. It’s upon you to heed to the pressure of ignore them.
It sends a double-standard message that democracy is good for the country, but internally, a select few, who are normally more well-off, ‘run things’ on behalf of an entire electorate.
On this Patron, I beseech you to let your county arise. Let you home county gain it’s lost glory, set your county on a similar path as Homabay and Machakos, let you county be on the move towards being on the first page of the Transitional Authority Ranking when it’s done next.
Don’t set yourself on the path of humiliation— you are a wounded lion now, having had your victory stolen in the past and seeing some six people deny you a chance of leading a country you so much  fought to build. Being on the campaign trail for a an unpopular candidate will leave you with two thing; a) bragging right if he manages to win- assuming that Siaya Voters decide to give you the sympathy votes that your foot soldiers are hae turned into a campaign platform or b) more humiliation and egg on the face if the main contender for the same seat William Oduol, who all factors indicate is the frontrunner in the race wins.
Wuod Nyalego, you have endured many embarrassing moments, you have been humiliated enough, don’t you think that the remaining ounce of pride in you deserve to be guarded jealously?
Anyang’ Nyongo, Otieno Kajwang’, Jakoyo Midiwo, James Orengo and the host of Luo Nyanza power brokers thrive on your humiliation. When you are down and almost out, when you’re working your way up like you are trying to do now, they shout loudest- not because they care, but because your situation provides them an opportunity to remain relevant. If you were to keep off the political scene for a month, these guys, all of them will get shoved into political oblivion. That is the reason why the shed crocodile tears when you genuinely cry but deep down, they know they are the greatest beneficiaries of your struggle.
I know this has been told to you before and it is not new, but I have decided to bring it up again.
Telo, take your time, review your clique, get to know the genuine sycophants you have, and for them- the voters, work for their benefit.
I take a leave now, with hopes that you at least get to read this letter, or hear about it as it does rounds on the internet and that its content will make you think about who you really are; the democrat, don’t let these goons who surround you turn you into a tyrant, a dictator- vices that you have fought so hard across the globe.
You are set for more than greatness, don’t erode it. We need another name alongside Mandela in Africa and Raila would be just perfect.
With Kind Regards

Kohadha Roy Ogolla
Siaya County Resident



I would like to take a moment to inform Mr Raila that he has been in the ‘cloud-cuckoo-land’ for far too long.
It’s high time he wakes up from his fantasyland where he has been optimistically out of touch with reality.
The days are gone when Kenyans were enticed by political gimmicks and comical theatrics.
When he sees multitude turning up for his rallies, he should not be fooled to think they are coming to listen to his rhetoric but rather to enjoy his comic moments.
While the freedom of speech is enshrined in the Constitution, responsible leaders exercise it as sacrosanct.
If Raila is the statesman he claims to be, this is the time for him to use his influence and means to educate the masses on the imperative for national unity, harmony and cohesion.
He should be at the forefront of preaching peace, love and unity.
Mr Odinga, wake up from your dreamland. Kenyans have seen this movie before. Kenyans have been fooled for too long. We refuse to be fooled again.
For many years, you served in the government. Which development policies were implemented to uplift the people of Kibera from poverty?
Kenya cannot afford to be in perpetual electioneering mode. Does Raila understand the social-economic implications of these rallies?
The Western leaders that he often refers to respect the office of the presidency and always willing to share the ideas whenever they are called upon.
Al Gore, John McCain and latest Mitt Romney do this with a lot of maturity and with the interest of every citizen at heart.
Al Gore and Romney went back to private business where they are making differences across the globe.
John McCain, a lifetime civil servant went back to the Senate to bolster opposition and fight for republican policies.
They don’t force dialogue or issue revolutionary threats but use government institutions to advance their agenda. There comes a time when the interests of the country are more important than an individual.
The policies of any government are not like instant coffee where it’s brewed and consumed at the same time; rather they take time.
Therefore, the Jubilee Government should be given time to execute its agenda.
Let us capitalise on the beauty of our diversity; ethnic, language, religious and regional boundaries, to strengthen national identity and unity.
We should not allow anyone to break this unity for their own good. The common wananchi love and care for one other.
Our diversity should be our strength but not our weakness! Twajivunia kuwa wakenya (We are proud to be Kenyans) and should live in peace, love and unity as bestowed in our national anthem:
Let all with one accord,
In common bond united,
Build this our nation together,
And the glory of Kenya,
The fruit of our labour,
Fill every heart with thanksgiving.
Vincent Njenga is a Kenyan from Dallas Texas.


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.  Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.  Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.  Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.  Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.  In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.  Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.  Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.  Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.  By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.  In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.  Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.

This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.

- See more at:
This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.

- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.
- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.
- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.
- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.
- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.
- See more at:


This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.

The author is the spokesman of the Party of National Unity (PNU). The views expressed herein are his own
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This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.

The author is the spokesman of the Party of National Unity (PNU). The views expressed herein are his own
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This is an open letter to the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Sir, let me start by apologizing for addressing you through an open and public letter. However, since you appear to have some insatiable affinity for publicity, I thought to give you free, unsolicited promotion by addressing you through an open letter.
Bwana Prime Minister, this week must be really a special one for you. I have no doubt that come Thursday 7th April and Friday 8th April, your eyes will be glued to live TV coverage of the proceedings at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. I can imagine you will be surrounded by a coterie of your surrogates and sycophants. I can envision the number of Champagne bottles that will be popping on that day, the hi-fives that will be exchanged, the hugs, the self-elation and self congratulations. I can see you making a short speech to your guests, thanking them, especially James Orengo, for a job well done. I can even remotely hear you quoting the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa and saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our grand march to State House is now unstoppable”. As you sip into your finely brewed Chivas Regal, I imagine you will be reminiscing on how far you have come, and how the respectable doyen of opposition politics the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga must be happy from heaven, satisfied that you have fulfilled his dream of occupying the revered House on the Hill, State House.
Son of Adonijah, allow me to take you down memory lane. In your own approved biography, you admitted plotting to violently overthrow a legitimate government of Kenya in 1982. As you celebrate your victory in scheming to drag your opponents to a foreign court, you must be counting it as yet another ‘minor’ collateral damage in your pursuit for power. It is reported that you wrote a thesis on the art and science of making nail bombs. This thesis must be coming in handy.
Sir, if the late Hon Kijana Wamalwa was alive today, he would be telling the six innocent Kenyans whom you have conspired to take to The Hague that theirs is a trodden path. In 1994, you meted untold violence on the late Wamalwa in your quest to take over control of FORD-Kenya after the passing away of your father.
In 1997, you abandoned Mwai Kibaki, Kijana Wamalwa, and Charity Ngilu and joined Daniel Arap Moi after losing the election thinking that you would be Moi’s successor automatically. When that did not happen, in 2002 you decided to shout “Kibaki Tosha” even thought you knew that Kibaki was winning anyway. Within 24 months of that declaration, you were already planning a coup.
Jakom, you will recall that in the run up to the 2007 General Elections you told Kenyans that the Kibaki government was mistreating the Kalenjin people by evicting them from Mau. Today, when it suits you, you have no qualms throwing women and children from the forest to create even more Internally Displaced Persons. I have no doubt in my mind, sir, that by your actions and utterances, by your designs and by default, the post-election violence that followed the 2007 General Elections was executed according to your script. As the losing Presidential candidate who refused to accept defeat or go to court, in the eyes of rightly thinking Kenyans, you were the root cause for the worst violence ever to befall our nation.
Today, the Kalenjin people who voted for you to the last man have become the objects of your never-ending machinations. I recall the camaraderie you used to have with Joshua Sang during the numerous times he hosted you in his morning show “ LEE NE EMET” or “What the World is saying. I am sure that to Sang there was only one World and his world was you, Hon Raila Odinga. Today, Henry Kosgey is understandably still receiving shock therapy, having problems coming to terms to your betrayal of a man who served you so dedicatedly. Anyone with the surname Arap Mibei today must be looking forward to an opportunity for cleansing.
Sir, your actions are not consistent with the reformist tag that you claim. Take for example the issue of nomination certificates for ODM in the 2007 General Elections .It is common knowledge that each candidate had to pay to get the certificate at a cost ranging between Ksh 5 Million and Kshs 50 Million. The involvement of your close allies and family in the maize scandal just adds to erode any remaining claims to the “Mr. Clean” mantle.
By your actions and utterances, you provide Kenyans with a sneak preview of how things would turn out if you became President. Most have come to realize that you have one true friend, who only resides in your mirror. A trailer for the movie “Inside Raila’s Presidency” was shown in New York recently when Mrs. Ida Odinga forcibly removed a Cabinet Minister, Hon Naomi Shabaan from an official UN programme and installed herself in her place. Even in Luo Nyanza, talk is rife about the nepotism that continues to inform all your official appointments. This is double tragedy coming at a time when many professionals from Luo Nyanza are worried that you may be taking the region back to the politics of 1966.
In conclusion, I wish your energy can be directed at constructive not destructive activities. The problem with you sir, is that most people perceive you as having a good brain but no soul. It is akin to having a computer with first class hardware but no software.
Going by the long history of suffering that Kenya has suffered courtesy of yourself, a significant number of Kenyans wonder whether you are truly the curse of Kenya. I still believe that there is still time to redeem yourself and debunk that notion.

The author is the spokesman of the Party of National Unity (PNU). The views expressed herein are his own
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